Thursday, April 23, 2015

What's growing now?

What's growing this week?


When we lived in the city, dandelions always stressed me out. Not so much because I had a problem with them, but because I was convinced the neighbours always looked at my yard as "that yard". The one with all the dandelions. I wouldn't spray. In the early years of home ownership, I'd spend hours digging them out and filling the holes in with soil and grass seed. It still didn't do the job. At a certain point, I gave up and just figured the flowers would get cut down when I mowed.

This week I was mowing the lawn and afterwards my husband commented that it was still a bit long. I told him that I kept the mower on a higher setting, since it keeps more moisture in and therefore is better for the grass.

"Plus," I added excitedly, "This way I didn't cut off the dandelion heads, and that's good for the bees!"

I think I've officially been countrified.

Also growing this week, we have:

Plum tree in full bloom

Second plum tree blooming! This one never bloomed or bore fruit last year, so I'm excited to see what these plums taste like.
Pear blossoms about to open

Possibly one of my most exciting things.  ASPARAGUS is coming out!
The blooms on the nectarine tree are gorgeous.

There's not a lot of non food bearing flowers, but here's one. I have visions of planting tulips in the fall.

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